Friday, October 2, 2009

Man vs. Time

So we spent our day off yesterday in Kansas City, well, most of the day. Our bus didn't arrive until 1:00 in the afternoon. But luckily DJ Promote has a friend in K.C. who took us around the city for the day. He happens to work for a company called MK-12, who did the motion graphics for James Bond "Quantum of Solace", "Stranger Than Fiction" (Will Ferrell), The Beatles Rock Band and a whole lot of awesome stuff ( So we stopped by his office, I was like a little kid in there freakin out over all of the projects they've worked on. I think I said "that's super fresh" 27 times.

So we checked out a bunch of artistic stuff around the city, some graffiti spots, the art museum, Broadway's coffee (yummy). At the end of the night I was sitting in the back seat on our drive back to the bus. After this long day of seeing so many different kinds of art, influences, historical pieces, my brain clicked into 5th gear. I started thinking of some of the things that I would love to try to learn or get better at. Then I felt this overwhelming pressure of how there's no way that I can do it all. I stopped and analyzed why the sudden paranoia... Hmm... It's because there's not enough time. I suddenly viewed my life as a timeline that I am up against. We are all battling time. All of us are on a physical timeline, our human lives are not eternal. We're all getting older each moment, every breath, every heartbeat. It's a hard reality to face, but it's reality.

I kept thinking, if we had forever to do all of the things we needed or wanted to do, there would be no stress, we would just live and exist. I never thought about time like this before. When God originally created man/woman He made them to live forever. When Adam and Eve chose to disobey God sin and death entered the world. That made our lives on earth physical and temporary. But our spirit is still eternal. I believe what the Bible has to say about eternity, that after we die we will either spend eternity with God or apart from Him, and that the Way to us imperfect people having a relationship with a perfect God is through Jesus Christ. Unfortunately a lot of people have misrepresented Jesus, and the church has made some huge mistakes over the years, and people are blaming God for them. Oh but that's another blog on another day, for right now I certainly don't have enough time :)

So, because we're on a timeline, our decisions DO matter: the choices we make, what we choose to believe, how we spend our time, energy, what we invest into, it's so important to do it all in view of eternity. For our time on earth is very precious, we are but a breath.

Thousands of years ago Moses blogged a similar prayer. You can still read it today: Psalm 90

Now is Not Forever


  1. Rock On B.
    There never seems to be enough time anymore.
    And now as I get older, I start to look at what I need to do before time runs out.
    If we would just focus our time on him, then we would see how less important those other things are and be less stressed about doing them.

  2. Wow that's true...but if we as a people start taking our time in life and stop rushing through everything, we would have more achievements and less regrets of what we couldn't accomplish.
    If we truly lived every moment like it was our last, we would be more aware of time and content of who we really are and the reason why we're here.
    God has perpared every step for us. He knows the things we would start and not finish, the ideas we would have that never seem to come to light and He knows there's limits in time, but He also knows our purpose.... something we can't always define, but that is where our true allegance should lie.... always in His purpose. I praise God for His awesome purpose!
