Wednesday, November 11, 2009

Downtime Downsizing

I'm sitting in a close friend of mine's house looking out his window at the Smokey Mountains on a sun shiny day in North Carolina. I decided to take a day to get away from the business of life. I made the drive last night, it was only supposed to take 3 & 1/2 hours but there was a rock slide that blocked the only main road that leads to Murphy. I had to detour through a whole bunch of back-mountain winding and wooded roads in the dark, rain and fog. It ended up taking 7 HOURS! At one point I came around a corner and there was a tree that fell into the road and I hit the breaks and slid right underneath it. Thank God I have an Accord and not a Hummer (yea I just said that) or it would have smashed my windshield. There's lot more to the adventure, really, some wrong turns that cost me an extra hour, no cell phone service the whole time... It's my intention to write a song about it but I have to let the anger and trauma subside before I get deep into that one :)

The main reason I'm blogging today is to update you all on what I've been up to lately. I have exactly one week before I leave for the Winter Wonderslam Tour. I'm super excited. I have a new band, a drummer and a bass player, their nicknames are Garfield and Snoopy. You'll definitely be getting to know them in the next few months.
I had to jump off of the CreationFest Tour a week early because I was coughing up green mucus (nasty!!). To clear up any rumors, I was "presumably" diagnosed with the H1-N1 virus aka the Swine Flu. I got it while I was on vacation in Milwaukee visiting my parents. The doctor said it would cost $250 dollars to test me for the swine flu and it would take 3 days for the result, so I'm not completely sure if I had it, but we treated it just in case. I stayed in the house for 5 days straight and missed my flight to San Diego :( BUT, God reminded me that He wants to spend time with me, that He desires and deserves my attention and that I'm wasting my life if I give it anything less than Him. We're still working on that one.
Besides getting ready for tour, writing, avoiding trees in the road and all of the other busy stuff in life I'm "down-sizing" and simplifying my possessions. Forgive the term, I recently became addicted to The Office and am watching from episode 1 all the way through. Anyways, I'm having to move from 2 rooms back to 1 due to a new roommate so I'm getting rid of all the stuff I don't need, don't want, or never should have had in the first place. It's very freeing to simplify our lives and clean out once in a while.

That's it for now, oh, one more thing. Monday night I'll be doing another live chat at 7 central time at:

So please join me for that and come out if the tour is in your city!! Promise I won't be so quiet on the blog front in the month to come :)

1 comment:

  1. Can tell you how refreshing it is to read your bog--"God reminded me that He wants to spend time with me, that He desires and deserves my attention and that I'm wasting my life if I give it anything less than Him. We're still working on that one." You're 'right on the money' with that one!

    Gong through a new season with DADDY, too and i am totally stoked but still so unsure of how to just let go when my heart is so full of big dreams that i want to start now, and He is saying 'wait.'

    All in His timing, right?!? He is not slow, He is perfect, isn't He?! i think 2 Peter 3:8-9 may be quite relevant here...

    Bless you Brian your realness (is that even a word) is very refreshing--still bummed i missed you on the cfest tour in VanWA. But God knows why...will continue to love your heart and music from a far! many blessings, brother b.--love sister a.
