Monday, February 15, 2010

Baby Steps

It snowed in Nashville again today, well, what they call "snow" down here in the South. I slept in until 10:00 a.m., looked out my window and it was as if the snowflakes were dancing in the air. Waltz music would have been the perfect accompaniment. This beautiful sight is exactly what I needed to see this morning. I avoided waking up because lately I've been feeling hopeless and unmotivated. This has been something I've been battling since the year began. Time off has been great but too much time off can be a tough thing to handle.

On Monday mornings I usually go to the gym and run like a madman to start off my week with some ounce of discipline. Today is President's Day so the gym is closed. After trying to work out in my house, which consisted of jump roping (with no jump rope) I figured I'd just try to run outside and endure the cold.

I had this thought about halfway through the run: "Thank you for each step of this run Lord." I was thinking about each step I took, and how all of the individual steps added together would turn into a couple miles. Lately I haven't been thankful for the small steps in life's journey. I've been dreading each step, each detail, the grind of each day. For example, when I write a song, I write it one phrase or lyric at a time, one note, one melody, one chord, one beat. All of those then combine together in harmony to hopefully turn into a beautiful song. But thinking about completing the song, or completing another record for that matter is too overwhelming - overwhelming enough to prevent me from taking the first step, baby steps. So today I'm thankful for the small steps.

Life's too overwhelming to look at with our finite eyes. I need faith today, in spite of my own weakness, that I can enjoy God in the small steps, right now, no matter where He's ordering my steps to go, I can appreciate the small things, TODAY.

Sorry if for some reason you thought that I have it all together all of the time. I'm growing in faith, but there are some things that I continue to struggle with. Like the battle of believing what is true despite how I feel. That's a tough one for me. But what is true stands no matter what.

My friend said something powerful to me last friday. He said how most of us "feed of of lies and only dabble in the truth, thus ending up dual minded in our ways and luke warm in our faith." That hit me pretty hard. A lot of my life I've meditated on fears, lies, and looked at one verse of scripture for a little bit, dabbling, nibbling, but then going back to my fears. The Truth of God is sincerely the ONLY thing that can set our minds free from being captivated by the deceptions we have been exposed to and will be exposed to every day as long as we're here on earth. I have much more to say on this matter, but I gotta go sing a song with Jimmy Needham in 30 minutes!!

Thanks to all who joined in the Live Chat yesterday, appreciate you guys. Happy President's Day.


  1. It's wonderful to see someone who is honest with their relationship with God. I think alot of times people paint this insanely Godly picture of themselves and it keeps them from growing... struggling is a part of growing. Your faith is a daily battle. Keep on fighting!

  2. B you write some of the most inspirational blogs and stuff. Oh, and your welcome I enjoyed the live chat even if it was mainly buffering oh and thanks for choosing my saynow call to you even though you did choose like ten other people too it's just that I wanted to thank you for taking it. :)

  3. Thank you for sharing this with us! And thank you again for the live chat! I hope it served as a reminder of how many of us out here appreciate your music and you! Looking forward to more blogs and live chats!!

  4. This was really really good! :)
    And Jimmy Needham and you I can imagine sound AMAZING together (you're my 2 favorite male artists) ;)
